Thursday 20 September 2012

a try at landai...

Your promises are sparkling as our dreams
but you fail your own self when you reach that throne.

Pity on you when you smile your cynical self
on the common man who pays for your debt.
She nourishes you and gives you wings to fly
but you fail her when you see just curves in all that is feminine.

Cursed are those eyes that can only see flesh
the living soul inside is more precious, you fool.

Can you find a more tender, more pretty scene than kids
then from where are those demons sent to abuse these kids.

Every other person who can’t see their smile and their sweet talks
rocks are better my friend, they can be carved to shapes.


  1. I love this new form of poetry ... expressing meaning in just 2 lines ... good one :-)

  2. Nice landai set ~ I specially like the living soul inside, more precious ~

  3. You have captured the proverb-like wisdom of the landai very well in these couplets, Sreeja.

  4. The third one in this set is potent. I wish we could say this to the men who oppress.

  5. You did so well with your landai. I especially am struck by the beautiful kids, realizing that those who come to abuse them were once children too. Powerful.

  6. Wow, you so summed up so many emotions on being feminine and how we are viewed~
    Wow, I love all of the tug of wars in your words!
    Well Done

  7. Now I doubly appreciate your comment on my landai. We are of the same mind, friend. When will it end? I suppose when the women of the world rise up and say NO MORE. Here's a poem, from the American side, that states the idea... Peace, Amy

  8. souls more precious..that really speaks of how war devalues life.

  9. So true about the mothers nourishing and nurturing and then men seeing them only as flesh. Well done.

  10. Loved the kids can be carved to shape!So true!

  11. You gave voice to oppressed women - everywhere!

  12. Wow, that last one has a bit of a sting but is so true! Nicely written!
