Monday 6 June 2016


From among thorns
bloom countless hues---
love from the soul of universe
blooms; blooms as roses.
They bloom for love, from love,
countless hues of love; spare
a few moments, their soft petals
drunken with mild heavenly fragrance;
different hues carrying the soul;
a few moments, can you be just theirs?

Roses, roses and roses;
fill your vision, your olfactory nerve
and worship, the love, the soul
that dwells not in your ego,
but in the fragrance of rose petals;
in the beauty of their layered depth
that carries you to endless imaginary gardens;
gives you dreams, mellows you to the fragrance.
A few moments, loss yourself---
there is a world away from ego and war!


  1. We would miss so many wonderful things if we didn't stop to appreciate the seemingly small things in life. Like roses and smiles and all those glorious things that bloom in peace.

  2. Such a whole lot of depth and power in your lines Sreeja :D Especially love the reference to:

    but in the fragrance of rose petals;
    in the beauty of their layered depth
    that carries you to endless imaginary gardens;
    gives you dreams, mellows you to the fragrance.
    A few moments, loss yourself---
    there is a world away from ego and war!

    Beautifully penned. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support :D

    Lots of love,

  3. "They bloom for love, from love,"...the words for roses (& who are like roses) only....beautiful...

  4. Lovely thoughts on roses and their wonderful fragrance, how seemingly small things can move us and help,,,I enjoyed this poem very much.

  5. Oh how we need to go further from ego and war...Even a rose can lead us to peace if we let it.A beautiful reminder.

  6. There are so many things that calm us down and show how beautiful life is; flowers blooming, trees whispering, the sea's murmuring. Are we the odd ones out in creation to always be so aggressive?

  7. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......drifting away on the fragrance of petals... just for a few moments :D XXX

  8. Roses are for love and sometimes can prevent wars.Nice loved it
